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To do: Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Step backward with your left foot and lower your left knee almost to the ground. At the bottom of the movement, rotate your torso over your right leg. Turn back to the center, press your right foot into the ground, and step your left leg forward to return to the starting position.

Day 7 Reality Show Diet

If you put yourself out there and commit to making the videos and telling friends and family you are doing this; you will not fail. Tell everyone on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube you will be so motivated to show everyone the new you.

New Leads


To do: Stand with your feet together. Step your left foot back about 3 feet from your right foot. Place your right hand on your hip. Raise your left hand and twist your torso until you feel a slight stretch in your left hip. Return to the starting position and switch sides. You can also do this stretch from a kneeling position.

Day 25

School Owners


To do: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and arms at your sides. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, with your palms facing in. Raise your arms out to the sides until they reach shoulder level. Pause. Lower the weights to the starting position.

Day 12



To do: Lay on your back with a dumbbell in each hand. Bend your knees and extend your elbows to a 90-degree position. The backs of your arms will rest on the floor. While holding the dumbbells over your chest, press up. Pause at the top. Lower the weights to the starting position.

Day 30

Competition Info


The schedule Efron used a split workout plan divided into three days. The three-day split focused on back and biceps on day one, legs on day two, and shoulders, chest, and arms on day three. He also trained his abs throughout the week. It looked something like this: Day 1: Back and biceps—this includes eight exercises, such as: straight-arm pulldowns ab rollouts seated cable rows Day 2: Legs—this includes 10 exercises, such as: leg presses squat jumps kick butts mountain climbers with slides Day 3: Shoulders, chest and arms—this includes 10 exercises, such as: pushups cable chest flyes dumbbell squat front raises

Zac Efron’s Baywatch Workout Explained by his Trainer | Train Like a Celebrity | Men’s Health

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