Virtual Competition

Be Seen, Tell Your Story, Play Your Music,


Songwriters, it takes more than just great lyrics to get your song out there. It takes a story, a small but effective reality show.

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Virtual Competitions New Online Platform can give you in a small, less than five-minute video an opportunity for people to see you and for you to tell them your story.

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Get discovered and head to the big time. On this platform, the world will let you know by voting for your videos your story, and your music. Good Luck!

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Then let them hear your music and have the world vote and share your creation. Let the world tell you if you have the magic and lyrics to make it in the big time.

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A Showcase For Your Music

Our Events Run Monthly

On the first of every month, a new event starts and runs until the 25th.

Combination Of Both Judging Methods

Our third way is a combination of both Accumulated Star Voting and Actual judges. Thank you for listening.

Actual Judges

Judges will receive a special login code that when used, will provide the software with the ability to find the best over all competitors.

Non Registered Visitors

If a video is viewed by an unregistered visitor the video will receive only one-star vote. example, 20 views = 20 stars.

Registered Visitors

May view videos and award up to five-star votes per video.

Judging On Our Platform

I will explain the three methods of voting here on Virtual Competitions Online Platform. First way accumulated Star Votes and Views.

If you have any query, Contact us..

Owners Can Build Businesses To Sell.

The Businesses Below Are All For Sale By Owners.

All sites are functional, and ready to be used. Cost is $500 call 561-629-6005 for the keys.

SongWriter Inc.

SongWriter Inc.

If you have a story you have a song