Cleaning, Eye Ware, Holsters
Trigger finger discipline is a learned skill and is vitally important to maintaining the safe condition of the firearm at all times. Your “Trigger Finger” must become your “Safety Finger.”
An individual who properly inspects and shows a gun to be clear before further handling is seen as a responsible and knowledgeable participant at the range.
Starting from the ground up: Shoes at the range should be close-toed boots or sneakers. A good, sturdy pair of pants will protect you from the elements and hot brass.
Eye and ear protection are critical parts of your personal protective equipment (PPE). Finally, a ballcap will also help prevent brass casings from making contact with your face.
The effort and attention you put into maintaining your firearms will pay off in peace of mind that your guns will do what you need them to do. Good maintenance habits help you know your gun better.
If you own or use a gun, you are responsible for handling it in such a way that there are no accidents, and storing it in a safe place that cannot be accessed by unauthorized persons and children in particular.
The Businesses Below Are All For Sale By Owners.
All sites are functional, and ready to be used. Cost is $500 call 561-629-6005 for the keys.