And this film is for all the marbles and is being brought to you by healthline!
Stand next to a wall or another surface you can place your hand on for balance.With your feet hip-width apart, keep 1 foot on the floor and swing the opposite leg.
To do: Stand with your hands on a wall, more than shoulder-width apart. Lower your chest toward the wall to perform a pushup-like motion.
To do: Perform 10 reps of the exercise with a somewhat challenging weight. Then use half the weight for 20 reps.
Here is the work out video.
That is why we suggest you use this as a guideline for getting the most out of your workouts, which will help you feel healthier and stronger.
While it is great to want to get in better shape, it does not make sense to compare your body to that of a famous actor who has the time and resources to get in this kind of shape for a movie role.